Tips for preparing your home for the visit of a prospective buyer

Tips for preparing your home for the visit of a prospective buyer

Tips for preparing your home for the visit of a prospective buyer

Have you decided to sell your home but you are still the dwelling?

When we want to sell our house and live, it is very important to follow some basic and simple tips for when we go to receive a visit from a prospective buyer.

Find a home for the first time is comparable to the first impression of a person: the appearance really counts. That first experience is called curb appeal. There is the cutting garden, sweeping the entrance and do everything in your hands so that the facade welcome prospective new owners of your home.


 1. Put order in the house.

The best way to start decorating the house for a sale is to imagine that we are designing the stage for a play. Everything should be in place, perfectly ordered and arranged in a comfortable way.

2. Cleanliness is important.

In our stage the walls should look freshly painted, bright appliances.  Mirrors should look impeccable, clean towels, and no toys scattered on the floor.  The aim is to sell our house in impeccable appearance, which show that the house is well maintained.

3. The details count.

Give the house for sale a spacious and clean appearance, remove old rugs or quilts, eliminates clutter and accessories that are damaged.

Clean all surfaces thoroughly, especially bathrooms and kitchen. It is very nice to have vases of flowers in the kitchen or family room.

4. Make it smell nice.

Do not cook anything fried in the hours before the visit. Odorous kitchens are unattractive, unless it is to have a rich baked bread.

Try to have some candles, incense or purifier environment that a pleasant scent to enhance the sense of well being.

5. Pay attention to the outside.

The garden should be trimmed and well groomed.

If a swimming pool, this must be filled with clean water.


If you have a pet must be in its cage or tied and the its area and it has to be clean and odor.

Always a home that looks well decorated and clean will sell faster and for more money than any other, because it reflects the care that has been given to the house.

The aim is to ensure that those who visit the home ¡want to live there!

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Cristina Bolio

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