Why sell my property through a real estate agent?

Why sell my property through a real estate agent?

Why sell my property through a real estate agent?

With the constant changes and updates on financial, banking and tax movements, is evident the fact that you can not jeopardise your savings putting into inexpert hands your investments with out an experienced real estate.

While do it yourself, you can save the commission charges a professional real estate agent for their services, the fact is that for most people, it can represent a much higher cost than the real estate fee. Buying or selling a home is a major financial and emotional commitment.

Why not rule-out hiring a real estate to buy or sell your house?

1. It is more convenient

To sell a property, means investing time to promote and often without any results. The successful real estate marketing, implies something more far-reaching than placing a sign on the door of the property.

If you decide to search a house for sale on their own, you have to make calls with potential customers. This is difficult, if you are looking for homes are sold by the owner and is not very easy to find because he works all day.

If, however, you want to sell your home yourself : you have to make the time to receive calls each person concerned (and calling but have no real interest in buying) to make appointments.

Note that if a potential buyer note you are busy, because it does not respond fast enough to his call or to schedule a date and visit the house, is likely to be discouraged immediately.

It is also possible that, do circus, rope and theater to make the appointment, leaving the office rushing to get home on time, only to find that,

no one comes ...

When you hire a real estate advisor, specialized full-time work allows you to promote your property, search the houses that meet your buying criteria, contact the agents of the owners and make appointments, taking care that are in the more convenient for you time.

Not without neglecting, make sure to filter what can be a real way a potential customer, with greater certainty that the person is considering to let and know our home and our way of life,  is not a person who it is only browsing the heritage of others.

2. Negotiate a sale is a difficult issue

Any real estate transaction represents a movement of money must be treated very carefully by the constant amendments to the law, because it can be very delicate if not handled properly.

As examples of this we have today, there are well-established limits for cash handling with a maximum limit of approximately $ 535.000 pesos.

And also there are obligations of notice by the Commissioner of Oaths to lead the operation to the Ministry of Finance for operations amounts exceeding approximately $1,250,000 pesos.

Taxes on sales of home have certain rules and limitations.

It is helpful to know them and know how to apply for tax savings when selling for alienating.

With the above, we should note that the tax authority has taken great care with handling money in real estate transactions.

Since payment processes safer for the sale of a property; and fiscal management of the operation, which considers many kinds of factors that can make a person pay more in taxes or simply taxes that could have been saved with the correct advice.

You can realize how tricky it can be mismanaging a real estate transaction.

Unless you are a lawyer specializing in real estate, a real estate agent probably knows more about this kind of laws than you.

3. It is more difficult to leave family issues and feelings out

Let us not forget the familiar theme, the economic rights in marital matters and economic rights inherited.

Any investment represents an equity importance and that without proper counseling could end up in a family problem or a loss of heritage that many years may have cost and effort.


Selling your home can be one of the biggest transactions of your life. You can try to do it alone to save some money, but to hire a real estate agent you have many advantages than enough.

The real estate agents have a network that allows us greater exposure for your property, experience to help you negotiate the best deal, and all the time to devote to buying or selling your property.

The experience that you can miss you, is what they give you and can give you the confidence to perform a complex transaction, avoiding you wasted time, embarrassments and many financial and legal problems.

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Lic. Jorge Semerena

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