Why do they ask for a guarantee to rent a house in Yucatan?

Why do they ask for a guarantee to rent a house in Yucatan?

Why do they ask for a guarantee with property to rent a house in Yucatan?

One of the most difficult issues to understand for those who come to the city of Merida from other states of the country or from other countries and decide to rent a property is the application for an endorsement in the State by the landlord.

And most of the time, when arriving from another city, they do not have the facility of obtaining references of any type, as is an endorsement with property in Merida.

Our city is quite small, (especially considering that it is now about to reach the million inhabitants), but until 35 years ago, it only had half a million. The rapidly growing small-town customs are beginning to require adapting to the needs of a larger populationWhy do property owners request a property guarantee when renting a property?

Why do property owners request a property guarantee when renting a property?

For an owner, it is very important to apply for a surety when renting a property, because this allows you to have the security of a real and very effective guarantee that commits the tenant to comply with the obligations established in the contract.

Among other things, an endorsement properly enforces:

• the obligation to leave the property in the stipulated time and not one day more, subject to having arranged prior to expiration.

• The signing of a new contract with the new conditions of a new rental period.

• The fulfillment of their obligation to pay on time

• The fulfillment of maintaining the services of the property and preserving the property in the same state in which it has received.


Of course, a prospective tenant would think that the above will be reflected in the conditions of the rental contract, the time limit for rent, the amount of rent to be paid, the obligation to pay for services, maintenance, contents, etc.

In fact, it is, but like any legal situation, if at the end there was some misunderstanding or simply was a bad tenant that damaged the property, left debts of services, or is simply in arrears with the payment of income, Making the contract effective will lead the owner to start a legal procedure that can take times greater than 1 or 2 years, with the corresponding expense of doing that process.


Imagine for a moment you are the owner of the house. What would happen if the person to whom you rent your precious house lives outside and decides to return to its place of origin leaving debts in your property?

If there is no guarantee, any debts, expenses or arrangements that the tenant has left pending would have to be absorbed by you, because you will not have anyone answer or reimburse these expenses. You would only have to absorb those losses.

Nothing fair ... is not it?

What is the best thing for you if you are renting a house in Mérida?

If you are looking for a nice and comfortable house in Merida, it is possible that you have relatives or meet some people. That would favor you to comply with the condition of the endorsement.

Go to them and explain that your property is not going to be “a Loan against the intended property”. It will serve only as reference that you are a solvent person.


At first glance, it may seem like a complication that you ask for a surety if you are about to live in Merida and you are looking for a new residence for rent in one of the best areas of the city.

The benefits that this requirement has brought in the entity is that the owners have developed a culture about the need to be ordered and request this requirement.

In a way, this has been reflected in a low index of properties with problems of occupants or irregular occupants as it happens unfortunately in other states of the republic, where many properties have been left with irregular occupations of very long times, by the simple fact of having occupied by tenants who entered without guarantees and who are eventually protected by a legal system that allows them to stay in that type of occupation for many years.

This represents an important impairment in an owner estate.

If you are arriving in Merida, we offer you a warm welcome. Here, you will not only find the home that you have always dreamed for your family in a safe and quiet city. Also, you are going to make great friends who, like you, value the culture of caring for your most precious property.

Connect with us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter, for more tips and information on the best properties that meet your current needs.

Lic. Jorge Semerena

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