Celebrate with us the new experience Yucatan Properties

Celebrate with us the new experience Yucatan Properties

welcome to your new house

During the last few months, we were very busy working on creating the new design of our website. Finally, it is now a reality!

Living in a beautiful city in constant growth, where new innovative projects are being developed, our mission has always been to keep us constantly updated, generating new channels of communication with our clients and friends, being at the forefront in technology and marketing for Be closer to the people we want to serve.

That is why, renewing our most important tool on the internet, is something we had planned long ago and at this time we made it a priority.

The history of Yucatan Properties

Our website was created in 1999, under the name of semerena.com. At that time, it was one of the first to appear on the scene of the real estate market in Merida and was positioned as the most important for more than 10 years.

I remember that it was a site very appreciated by those who visited it, because it contained very detailed information and was always very easy to surf in, something that many customers praised.

For 2011, with our same permanent idea to innovate and always seek to be at the forefront, we redesigned the corporate image of the company and as a result, Yucatan Properties was born.

Finally this 2016, as one of our priorities, we began with a new process of renewal and dynamism. Certainly the beginning was not easy, but we have succeeded, with the mind-set to continue improving it to create a better visitor experience, to make it easy to navigate, comfortable and more pleasant to eyes.

We want it to continue to be a useful and powerful engine to discover new opportunities for purchase and investment in the real estate market of the Yucatan peninsula.

This project has been a job that has left us a lot of key learnings along the way. It keeps us very enthusiastic because we want to give you a better experience, rich in useful information on different types of properties and investments.

What you will find on our new website?

Whether you are a buyer, owner or investor, you will find information that solves your concerns such as, what you can do to prepare your home if you want to sell it, how the sale process goes, which taxes are involved in a real estate transaction, and other issues related to Real estate market in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Our new format is more modern, clearer, more accessible and adapted to your rhythm of life, so that you can access comfortably from your smartphone, either by resting in your favorite chair or while waiting a few minutes between back to back appointments or in between flights.

Like you, we have also found ourselves at some point in need of the search for a service and we have felt at times uncertainty in not knowing in whom to support us and to deposit our trust;

It is when we have wanted to receive the most honest and reliable advice to make the best decision.

This same security and trust is what we have been always gave you.

We are very excited that you can use our new website for all your queries, because it is through it that we want to show you the human and warmth aspect of real estate and our work.

Take a tour of the site, our new blog and tell us your thoughts!



Lic. Jorge Semerena

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